
The Ten Commandments of Maria Montessori

The Ten Commandments of Maria Montessori:

  1. Never touch a child until he comes to you (in any form).
  2. Never speak ill of a child, neither in his presence nor without him.
  3. Concentrate on the development of the good in the child, so that as a result there is less room for the bad.
  4. Help the child establish a constructive interaction with the environment.
  5. Be ready to respond to the request of a child who needs you, always listen and respond to a child who turns to you.
  6. Respect the child who has made a mistake and can correct it now or later, but immediately and firmly stop any action that threatens their safety or the safety of other children.
  7. Respect the child who is resting or watching the work of others, who is thinking about what he has done or is going to do.
  8. Help those who want to choose something, but it is difficult to choose an occupation.
  9. Make your willingness to help obvious to the child who is in search and invisible to the one who has already found everything.
  10. Always use the best manners in dealing with the child and offer him the best of you and the best of what you have at your disposal.

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